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Showing posts sorted by date for query opera. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday 6 July 2024

Andrea Bocelli Hyde Park Concert: Rain Can't Dampen Stunning Performances

Andrea Bocelli
BST Hyde Park

Andrea Bocelli's performance at Hyde Park was a night of unforgettable music, incredible talent, and, unfortunately, a lot of rain. But let's dive into the highlights that made the evening truly special, despite the less-than-ideal weather.

First off, the support acts were fantastic! His son, Matteo Bocelli, opened with some of his own compositions, including a gorgeous piece he wrote for the Netflix show From Scratch. Matteo wooed the crowd with his suave performance and stunning vocals, setting the tone for the evening. Another highlight included some moments with Grammy award-winning singer Joaquina who's voice is absolutely glorious. Katherine Jenkins followed with a delightful set, including an impromptu rendition of 'Singing in the Rain', complete with a brolly! She later swapped her Manolos for Hunter wellies, embracing the weather with style. Her sparkly outfit matched her personality and shone brilliantly against the grey skies. A highlight of her performance was her duet with John Owen-Jones on Barcelona- truly a magical moment.

Now, let's talk about the weather. There's a reason the festival is called BST- British summers are notoriously unpredictable, and yesterday was no exception. The rain did put a bit of a dampener on the evening, both literally and figuratively. The performances were impeccable, but it was hard to fully enjoy while getting drenched. That said, the shared experience of braving the downpour added a unique camaraderie among the audience. Andrea himself called us heroes for sticking it out and rewarded us with a performance that was worth every soggy moment.

Act One began with a bang as Andrea performed 'La Donna è Mobile', supported by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The first half of the concert featured a selection of opera pieces, with standout guests like soprano Nadine Sierra, mezzo Isabel Leonard, baritone Luca Micheletti, soprano Henna Munn, flautist Andrea Griminelli, violinist Rusanda Panfili, and the Crouch End Festival Chorus. Each piece was delivered with emotion, humour, and a touch of flirtation—perfect for both opera aficionados and newcomers. However, it would have been helpful to have subtitles like at Opera House performances, allowing everyone to engage more deeply with the lyrics, or perhaps just more introductions to the pieces giving a general theme.

Act Two shifted the mood with a mix of more recent songs and Andrea's beloved classics. Highlights included a stunning rendition of 'The Prayer' with Loren Allred and a powerful performance of 'Nessun Dorma' to close the night. The set list was further enriched by appearances from German film composer Hans Zimmer, legendary British singer-songwriter Seal, and Italian gospel and blues artist Zucchero. A heartwarming moment was Andrea's duet with his daughter Virginia on Hallelujah, showcasing the immense talent within the Bocelli family.

So, while the rain did affect the enjoyment a bit, the stellar performances and the communal spirit of the audience made it a memorable evening, especially as the largest outdoor classical concert in Europe in this century. Andrea Bocelli, with his incredible voice, delivered a concert that resonated deeply, despite the weather.

Reviewed on Friday 5th July 2024 by Olivia
Photo Credit: Dave Hogan

{AD PR Invite- tickets gifted in exchange for honest review}

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Jesus Christ Superstar on Tour is an Electrifying Experience | New Victoria Theatre Woking | Review

Jesus Christ Superstar (Tour)
New Victoria Theatre

Last night, I had the pleasure of attending the current UK tour of Jesus Christ Superstar, and it was a nearly perfect theatrical experience. From the moment the curtain rose, I could tell this production was something special. Having seen it previously at the Barbican Centre, I knew what to expect but I was really pleasantly surprised with how well the production has translated for touring.

Andrew Lloyd Webber's show, a rock-opera-musical has one of the most intricate and powerful scores I've personally experienced in the theatre. The vocal demands from every performer, whether the high as mountains soprano tracks or the booming bass of Caiaphas, every role requires strength, integrity and control which this cast deliver in spades. Alternate in the role, Charlie McCullagh's portrayal of Jesus is astounding. Taking on the role with the quiet swagger of a popstar, it's evident why he'd garner a following and his kind, charismatic persona, makes his eventual crucifixion incredibly moving and powerful. Vocally, you cannot fault his performance, (his Gethsemane is firmly in my top performances of 2024) every single note is supported and intentionally performed and the emotion imbued into each moment is magnetic to watch. Shem Omari James' Judas is equally compelling, delivering a nuanced and passionate performance that adds layers to the character and leave you questioning his motives long after the curtain goes down. The chemistry between the two leads is palpable, making their dynamic and relationship both riveting and heartbreaking. Hannah Richardson completes the trio perfectly, bringing a tenderness to Mary almost acting as a mediator throughout. Her voice is soulful and she really made the iconic songs feel new and refreshed.

Musically, the production is outstanding. The orchestra deliver Andrew Lloyd Webber's iconic score with vibrant intensity. The contemporary rock-infused arrangements breathe new life into the familiar tunes while still honouring the original spirit of the musical. This is an incredibly well-oiled machine of a show that seems to have paid meticulous attention to making every single moment hit with astounding intensity.

Visually, the show is a feast for the eyes. Tom Scutt's set design is innovative, using modern elements to create a versatile and dynamic stage, without the need for any huge set changes. Equally, his costumes, blending traditional and modern styles, are simplistically striking and allow for some really interesting moments, especially towards the end when some characters literally get Jesus' blood on their hands and bodies. One of my favourite elements of the musical is Lee Curran's lighting which is continually awe inspiring as it enhances dramatic moments and add a layer of symbolism that beautifully complements the narrative. Whilst I don't always understand the meaning of Drew McOnie's choreography, I find it incredibly arresting and love the frenetic energy that it brings to the stage.

The only minor drawback for me, is the occasionally overpowering sound mix. At times, the balance between the orchestra and the vocalists is off, making it difficult to catch all of Tim Rice's intense and often witty lyrics. However, this was a small blemish on an otherwise stellar production.

In my opinion, this touring version of the classic show is a must-see. It’s a masterful revival that pays homage to the original while bringing a fresh and contemporary twist. Whether you're a long-time fan of the musical or experiencing it for the first time, this production is sure to leave a lasting impression. Impeccably performed, it's one of the most moving and powerful shows I've seen this year and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.

Reviewed on Tuesday 4th June 2024 by Olivia
Photo Credit: Paul Coltas

{AD PR Invite- tickets gifted in exchange for honest review}

Friday 3 November 2023

Lizzie at the Southwark Playhouse (Elephant) Review: A Bloody Good Time

Southwark Playhouse (Elephant) 

A transfer from the Hope Mill Theatre, Lizzie boasts a cast that impresses with their strong vocals and well-defined characterisations. The performers do an excellent job bringing their characters to life and infusing the show with their energy and passion, making it an engaging experience for the audience.

The musical takes inspiration from the infamous Lizzie Borden case and the story revolves around Lizzie Borden and her sister; exploring the mysteries and events leading up to the gruesome murders of their parents. It delves into themes of murder, mystery, and the complexities of human nature, all set against a rock opera backdrop. With a gripping narrative, powerful performances, and a thrilling atmosphere, Lizzie invites the audience to step into a world where dark secrets are uncovered, and the truth is as elusive as the swing of an axe.

One of the standout features of Lizzie is the striking lighting design and stage setup by Andrew Exeter, which, particularly during the climactic moments of Act One, leave you breathless with its deathly allure. The lighting and set design effectively create an atmosphere that's visually captivating and in keeping with both the rock musical vibes, and the traditional 1800s setting of the story.

While William Whelton's choreography wields a sharp blade and  is executed very well, it sometimes feels like it's hacking away at a different story, leaving us with a tenuous connection. It adds some movement and visual appeal, but it doesn't fully meld with the narrative.

Direction wise though, Whelton has approached the show at a fun angle, melding massive arena concert energy with traditional musical theatre techniques. The energy is consistently high and despite knowing the ending, you're still on the edge of your seat, awaiting the next thrilling act. The use of handheld microphones is a cool twist on the storytelling, and hung in holsters at their sides it's almost as if the ladies are wielding them as potential murder weapons. However, when they're actually in use, it doesn't always make sense within the context of the show, I think it would be more effective if it was made clear that they were symbolising inner most thoughts or something of the like. 

This really is a girl power musical and each character in the production is well-defined, allowing the audience to connect with their individual stories and motivations. The attention to detail in the character development adds depth to the overall performance, revealing layers like peeling back the pages of a forbidden diary.

The cast deliver exceptional performances, with each woman commanding the stage with finesse. As this performance, Lizzie Borden was played by Emma Louise Hoey who seamlessly transitions from innocence and sweetness to sheer and utter madness. Her expressive eyes, and body tics convey a myriad of emotions, and every movement she makes skilfully illustrates her transformation into the manic killer fully. There's also a real level of innocence woven throughout the character and despite her gruesome act and obvious manipulation, you can't help but root for her. Vocally, Emma is marvellous, providing literal killer vocals with ease and conviction.

Shekinah McFarlane shines as Lizzie's sister, particularly in Act 2, showcasing her superb vocal prowess, that peaks and troughs in all the right places. For vocal masterclasses, this truly is the show to see. It's certainly a trend, as Mairi Barclay also astounds with her killer voice, as Bridget Sullivan. Barclay not only gets to showcase her impressive vocal range but also adds a touch of humour to this otherwise dark drama, often subtly encouraging Lizzie to commit the heinous acts in clever and witty ways, even if her motivations remain somewhat ambiguous. As Lizzie's friend Alice Russell, Maiya Quansah-Breed's performance is nuanced and heartfelt, offering a soothing contrast to the intense and rage-filled numbers that punctuate the show.

Rachel Tansey's costumes are notably well-executed, dressing the characters for their gruesome deeds and helping transport the audience back in time to the historical setting, where every outfit feels like a well-prepared disguise.

Musically Steven Cheslik-Demeyer and Tim Maner have created songs which sound great in the moment but aren't particularly memorable. Lyrically they are fast-paced and super action packed, sometimes to their detriment. So much is crammed in that you don't know what to focus on so things come across somewhat disjointed.

However, despite its minor shortcomings, Lizzie manages to transform the intimate Southwark Playhouse into a high-energy rock concert experience that's a crime of passion, making it a unique and memorable theatrical event that keeps you on edge and engaged.

Reviewed on Thursday 2nd November 2023 by Olivia
Photo Credit: Pamela Raith

{AD PR Invite- tickets gifted in exchange for honest review}

Friday 25 August 2023

Love Never Dies in Concert at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane Review: Musicality Reigns Supreme

Love Never Dies in Concert
Theatre Royal Drury Lane

Once again, the LMTO and Fourth Wall Live have joined forces to bring a musical to life in concert form with a stellar cast and stunning music. This time, it’s the much discussed and dissected Love Never Dies, which hasn’t been staged in the West End since 2011. For two days the Theatre Royal Drury Lane played host to the latest iteration of the show which mesmerisingly took audiences back to the world of the Phantom and Christine. With the spotlight on a talented cast, and powerful orchestrations, this concert rendition really let the music shine and provided a memorable theatrical experience for those in attendance.

With such a brilliant cast, it’s no surprise that the performances were broadly nothing short of exceptional, capturing the essence of the characters and their emotions. Celinde Schoenmaker stepped back into the role of the beloved songbird, Christine Daae and did so in an utterly magical way, with her soaring soprano perfectly bringing the score to life and dazzling throughout her time on stage. Alongside her, Broadway veteran Norm Lewis put mask back on (in this case a swanky gold number) and became the musical Phantom of the Opera once again. His gorgeous baritone vocals provided some spectacular moments, especially in the rousing Till I Hear You Sing and it’s always a treat to see him on a West End stage. It did however seem that the rock number The Beauty Underneath was not performed live, which is a bit disappointing in a show of this calibre, and it would be interesting to know what prompted this decision from the creative team. This isn’t a criticism of anyone in particular, but perhaps opens a wider conversation about how these concert versions are rehearsed and put together. Of course it’s a massive task to create such strong shows in a short amount of time and given their minimal runtime it’s understandable that the turnaround has to be fairly quick, but it would be curious to know if it’s possible to create a rehearsal process that works for everyone involved and doesn’t leave the audience feeling shortchanged.

Aside from this, the music was incredibly strong, with a number of stand out moments that brought to life the deeply evocative and emotive feelings which course through this show. As Meg Giry, Courtney Stapleton brought a lovely buoyancy and freshness which showed the character in a new and engaging light, whilst Matthew Season-Young provided some strong vocal moments as Raoul. The supporting cast, including the London Musical Theatre Chorus deserve commendation for their remarkable vocals which truly soared in the Theatre Royal Drury Lane.

Staging wise, this was one of the less full-out concerts compared to others but it still did an excellent job of evoking the world of Phantasma and showcasing some of the whimsy of Coney Island. Rebecca Brower’s costumes were very in keeping with the gothic vibes and cleverly mirrored some of those from the original Phantom production, overall creating a dynamic atmosphere which cleverly set the place and time, without overshadowing the music.

The LMTO orchestra, under the baton of Freddie Tapner, masterfully captured the intricate emotions of the music, underscoring the characters' journeys with every note. The majestic melodies and haunting refrains were a testament to the timeless quality of Lloyd Webber's composition and it was such a treat to hear the score performed by such a large group of highly talented musicians.

While Love Never Dies has faced criticism for its narrative depth, the concert format seemed to address some of these concerns. The live performance allowed the characters to shine and their relationships to be explored with greater nuance. A lot of the plot is quite frankly ludicrous and the characters have taken complete 180s from their initial iterations but this concert format seemed to be a perfect vehicle for highlighting the strengths of the piece while minimising its perceived weaknesses.

Overall Love Never Dies in Concert, was a captivating and emotionally resonant experience. The talented cast and impeccable orchestral accompaniment combined to create a theatrical event that honoured the legacy of its predecessor while standing as a powerful production in its own right. Many of the original book issues still stand but from the audience reaction, it’s clear that this is still a show which many hold close to their hearts.

Reviewed on Tuesday 21st August 2023 by Olivia Mitchell

{AD PR Invite- tickets gifted in exchange for honest review}

Friday 7 July 2023

New Cast Announced for The Phantom of the Opera at His Majesty's Theatre

Cameron Mackintosh is pleased to announce new cast members for Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera at His Majesty's Theatre from July 31, 2023. The show is currently scheduled until March 2, 2024.

Lily Kerhoas joins as Christine Daaé, Joe Griffiths-Brown as Raoul, David Kristopher-Brown as Ubaldo Piangi, and Maiya Hikasa as Meg Giry. Jon Robyns continues in the role of The Phantom, along with Kelly Glyptis as Carlotta Giudicelli, Adam Linstead as Monsieur AndréMatt Harrop as Monsieur Firmin and Francesca Ellis as Madame Giry.  At certain performances the role of Christine Daaé will be played by Paige Blankson.


The cast is completed by Hollie Aires, Federica Basile, Corina Clark, Michael Colbourne, Leonard Cook, Colleen Rose Curran, Lily De-La-Haye, Hywel Dowsell, Connor Ewing, Serina Faull, Florence Fowler, James Gant, Melanie Gowie, Eilish Harmon-Beglan, Yukina Hasebe, Samuel Haughton, Thomas Holdsworth, Jacob Hughes, Grace Hume, Tim Morgan, Eve Shanu-Wilson, Tim Southgate, Zoë Soleil Vallée, Jasmine Wallis, Victoria Ward, Ralph Watts, Simon Whitaker, and Andrew York.

Lily Kerhoas previously appeared in Les Misérables and trained at the Royal Academy of Music. Joe Griffiths-Brown was part of the West End company of Hamilton, while David Kristopher-Brown has past experience in The Phantom of the Opera and other productions. Maiya Hikasa's credits include Billy Elliot and the international Tour of Cats.

The Phantom of the Opera is produced by Cameron Mackintosh and The Really Useful Group Ltd. The music is by Andrew Lloyd Webber, with lyrics by Charles Hart and additional lyrics by Richard Stilgoe. The production is based on Gaston Leroux's novel 'Le Fantôme de l'Opera'. The show has been a global sensation, playing to millions of people worldwide.

The London production underwent a creative overhaul after the COVID-related shutdown and has received rave reviews. The legendary musical, celebrating its 37th birthday in October 2023, will continue its successful run at His Majesty's Theatre.

Beyond London, The Phantom of the Opera continues to captivate audiences globally, with productions in Japan, Korea, and on a world tour. Cameron Mackintosh's new production recently concluded a record-breaking run in Australia and will open in Vienna in March 2024. Other exciting productions are also underway in Greece, Italy, and Spain.

Thursday 6 July 2023

Cast Announced for Pretty Woman the UK & Ireland Tour

The popular West End production, Pretty Woman: The Musical, is going on a UK and Ireland tour! The tour will kick off at the Birmingham Alexandra Theatre on October 17, 2023.

The cast includes: Amber Davies as Vivian Ward, Ore Oduba as Happy Man/Mr. Thompson, Oliver Savile as Edward Lewis, and Natalie Paris as Kit De Luca. They will be joined by Becky Anderson, Rebekah Bryant, Josh Damer-Jennings, Ben Darcy, Andrew Davison, Lila Falce-Bass, Noah Harrison, Sydnie Hocknell, Elly Jay, Rachael Kendall Brown, Michael Kholwadia, Joshua Lear, Stuart Maciver, Victoria Rachael McCabe, Eleanor Morrison-Halliday, LJ Neilson, Annell Odartey, Curtis Patrick and Chomba Taulo.

Amber Davies, currently seen as Lorraine Baines in Back to the Future: The Musical, has also performed in 9 to 5 the Musical and Bring It On. Ore Oduba, known for his role as Brad Majors in The Rocky Horror Show, has also appeared in Curtains and Grease. Oliver Savile's credits include Fiyero in Wicked, Whizzer in Falsettos, and performances in The Phantom of the Opera, Les Misérables, Cats, and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Natalie Paris, nominated for an Olivier Award for her role in SIX, has also been part of Sunday in the Park with George, Billy Elliot, and Les Misérables.

Pretty Woman: The Musical is a spectacular romantic comedy set in Hollywood in the late '80s. The story follows Vivian and Edward's unforgettable love story, brought to life on stage in a dazzling and theatrical way. Prepare to be swept away by this sensational show that will warm your heart and lift your spirits.

The musical features original music and lyrics by Bryan Adams and Jim Vallance, a book by Garry Marshall and J.F. Lawton, and is directed and choreographed by Jerry Mitchell, a two-time Tony Award winner.

The production includes the iconic song "Oh, Pretty Woman" by Roy Orbison and Bill Dee, which served as inspiration for the beloved romantic comedy film of the same name released in 1990.

photo credit: Dan Kennedy

Initial Cast Announced for Elf the Musical at the Dominion Theatre this Winter

Celebrating its 20th anniversary since the original release of the motion picture featuring the talented Will Ferrell, the worldwide sensation and holiday classic, Elf, is set to grace London's Dominion Theatre once again. Following its overwhelming success last year, the smash-hit musical adaptation returns for a second consecutive year, delighting audiences from 15 November 2023 until 6 January 2024.

Returning to reprise their memorable roles are the talented Georgina Castle, known for her performances in Dirty Dancing and Mamma Mia, as Jovie, and Rebecca Lock, renowned for her roles in The Phantom of the Opera and Avenue Q, as Emily Hobbs. Nicholas Pound, recognised for his appearances in Cats and The Rocky Horror Show, brings Santa to life once again, while the multi-talented Kim Ismay, known for her roles in Wicked and Saturday Night Fever, takes on the character of Debs. Dermot Canavan, celebrated for his performances in Hairspray and Oklahoma!, embodies the Store Manager. Stay tuned for further casting announcements, including new actors who will portray the roles of Buddy and Walter Hobbs.

Based on the beloved 2003 New Line Cinema hit, Elf features a captivating book by Tony Award-winners Thomas Meehan (Annie, The Producers, Hairspray) and Bob Martin (The Drowsy Chaperone), accompanied by enchanting songs composed by Tony Award nominees Matthew Sklar and Chad Beguelin (The Wedding Singer).

This production will once again be brought to life under the expert direction of Philip Wm. McKinley, with choreography by Liam Steel. The original set and costume designs by Tim Goodchild, along with lighting design by Patrick Woodroffe, immersive sound by Gareth Owen, and video design by Ian William Galloway, will transport the audience into Buddy's world. The casting process will be overseen by Grindrod Burton Casting.

Elf tells the heartwarming and humorous tale of Buddy, a baby who accidentally finds himself in Santa's gift bag and is whisked away to the North Pole. Raised as an elf, Buddy remains unaware of his human origins, but his size and toy-making struggles eventually lead him to discover the truth—he's not an elf and will never truly fit in at the North Pole. With Santa's blessing, Buddy embarks on an extraordinary journey to New York, in search of his birth father, to uncover his true identity, and to remind the city of the genuine spirit of Christmas.

photo credit: Mark Senior

Tuesday 7 March 2023

The Bodyguard the Musical (Tour), New Wimbledon Theatre | Review

The Bodyguard the Musical (Tour)
New Wimbledon Theatre

Literally opening with a bang, The Bodyguard the Musical takes you on an exciting and exhilarating journey of glorious music and a sweet romance, which will have you engaged throughout.

Based on the 1992 movie of the same name, the show tells the story of a Secret Service bodyguard hired to protect a world famous singer/actress from a threatening stalker. When released the movie became one of the highest grossing of all time and this stage adaptation includes all the memorable moments as well as retaining the original 90s vibes which so many love.

The leading role of Rachel Marron was made famous by Whitney Houston and is a huge role to fill. Taking the cup and stepping into the glitzy boots for this production is Melody Thornton of The Pussycat Dolls. Melody absolutely nails the role and provides some killer vocals throughout, really coming into her own and becoming the star in act two. Thornton performs the iconic songs incredibly well, keeping close enough to the originals that the audience are satisfied but also putting her own small twist on them. 

As her love interest and bodyguard Frank Farmer, Ayden Callaghan is an imposing but charming character, easily gaining empathy from the audience through his serious and stern but sensitive portrayal. The chemistry between the pair is pretty strong with some touching moments, especially when the drama really amps up. They're sure to become even more comfortable with each other throughout the tour!

A stand out performance comes from Emily-Mae as Rachel's sister, Nicki. Not only does she portray her unrequited love and upset at constantly being overshadowed extremely well. But her vocal moments are some of the most memorable in the show.

Reneo Kusi-Appauh is equally delightful as Rachel's son Fletcher, especially during act two and the bows when he shows off some killer vocals. Definitely a performer to keep an eye on!

The second act is where things really get going, including the audience getting to see more of the ensemble who are absolutely fantastic. They don't get a massive amount of stage time but when they do, they are outstanding; full of energy they really elevate the show.

The set and costume design by Tim Hatley fit the vibe of the musical well and for a touring production are very effective but at times the space does feel underused and there could certainly be some more wow factor added throughout.

The overly dramatic sound effects and scene transformations are very telenovela/soap opera-esque and the intense thriller aspect doesn't quite transfer, but mostly the show is effective and is a faithful screen to stage adaptation.

The story is well paced and you can't help but revel in the brilliance of Whitney Houston's music from start to finish. The Bodyguard is a well performed show that works well on tour. Run To You-r closest touring venue to see this sparkling production for yourself.

Reviewed on Monday 6th March 2023 by Olivia Mitchell
photo credit: Paul Coltas

{AD PR Invite- tickets gifted in exchange for honest review}

Monday 6 March 2023

London Theatre Week Extends! | ad

If you haven't snapped up a stagey bargain yet, what are you waiting for?! The good news is that you've got a bit of extra time because London Theatre Week has been extended. You've now got until 12th March to book your favourite show. It's the perfect time to treat yourself or someone you know to a show.

There's so much on offer, but our favourites would include:
Back To The Future
Bonnie and Clyde

London Box Office aim to include all West End shows as well as off-West End and fringe theatre so there's certain to be something for you!

The shows available include: 
Back to the Future: The Musical, Wicked, Disney's The Lion King, Disney's Frozen the Musical, TINA - The Tina Turner Musical, Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman: The Musical, Newsies, OKLAHOMA!, Mamma Mia!, Crazy For You, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, The Mousetrap, Matilda the Musical, Grease The Musical, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Book of Mormon, The Great British Bake Off, Groundhog Day, Peaky Blinders: The Rise, Only Fools and Horses The Musical, Sylvia, Jersey Boys, We Will Rock You, Bat Out of Hell, Witness for the Prosecution, The SpongeBob Musical, George Takei's Allegiance, The Choir of Man, Bonnie & Clyde, Heathers The Musical, Cinderella in-the-round, 42nd Street, Symphony of Sorrowful Songs - English National Opera, The Dead City - English National Opera, The Rocky Horror Show, The Walworth Farce, Windfall, Titus Andronicus, Brilliant Jerks and more...

Let us know what you decide to see!

Monday 20 February 2023

Bag Yourself a Bargain This London Theatre Week | ad

*this post contains sponsored content*

There's one thing better than the theatre, and that's the theatre at an affordable price. Well thanks to London Theatre week, you can snap up an absolute bargain. From the 20th February to the 5th March, tickets are on offer for £15, £25, £35 or £45 which means there's something for many budgets. 

What's great about these offers is that you can see something which might otherwise but out of budget. Hugely popular shows such as Matilda, Book of Mormon, The Lion King and Wicked are available at these discounted prices, so it's the perfect time to check them off your list. London Box Office aim to include all West End shows so there's certain to be one for you, or even better, this is the ideal time to buy a gift for someone else without breaking the bank!

The shows available include: 
Back to the Future: The Musical, Wicked, Disney's The Lion King, Disney's Frozen the Musical, TINA - The Tina Turner Musical, Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman: The Musical, Newsies, OKLAHOMA!, Mamma Mia!, Crazy For You, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, The Mousetrap, Matilda the Musical, Grease The Musical, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Book of Mormon, The Great British Bake Off, Groundhog Day, Peaky Blinders: The Rise, Only Fools and Horses The Musical, Sylvia, Jersey Boys, We Will Rock You, Bat Out of Hell, Witness for the Prosecution, The SpongeBob Musical, George Takei's Allegiance, The Choir of Man, Bonnie & Clyde, Heathers The Musical, Cinderella in-the-round, 42nd Street, Symphony of Sorrowful Songs - English National Opera, The Dead City - English National Opera, The Rocky Horror Show, The Walworth Farce, Windfall, Titus Andronicus, Brilliant Jerks and more...

So Honey Whatcha Waiting For? Get searching and grab yourself a ticket for your favourite (or soon to be favourite) show. With tickets for over 60 shows with London Theatre Week, available for a limited time only, there really isn't a better time to book! Happy stagey days!

Thursday 2 February 2023

Full Tour Cast of Annie Revealed with Craig Revel Horwood, Paul O'Grady and Jodie Prenger and More

Michael Harrison and David Ian are delighted to announce full casting for the forthcoming UK and Ireland tour of their smash hit production of the musical ANNIE opening at Curve, Leicester on Saturday 25 February 2023. Joining the previously announced Craig Revel Horwood and Paul O’Grady, will be Scottish BAFTA winner Elaine C Smith and Jodie Prenger, all starring as ‘Miss Hannigan’ at various venues. Alongside them will be Alex Bourne as Oliver Warbucks, Paul French as Rooster, Amelia Adams as Grace Farrell, and Billie-Kay as Lily St. Regis. The title role of Annie is shared by Zoe Akinyosade, Harlie Barthram and Poppy Cunningham. They are joined by three teams of young performers who play the residents of Miss Hannigan’s orphanage.
Completing the cast will be Emily Barnett-Salter, Alistair Beattie, David BurrowsSergi Ibanez, Rosalind James, Belle Kizzy Green, Ellie May-Wilson, Martin McCarthy, Phoebe Roberts, Lukin Simmonds, Matthew Sweet, Dawn Williams, and Tommy Wade-Smith.
*Full tour dates, including details of at which venues Craig Revel Horwood, Paul O’Grady, Elaine C Smith and Jodie Prenger star, are in the listings below.
Craig Revel Horwood is probably best known as a judge on all 20 series of BBC1’s Strictly Come Dancing. He returns to the part of Miss Hannigan having played the role to critical acclaim in this production in both the West End and on tour. His other West End Theatre credits include Munkustrap in Cats, Miss Saigon at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane and Harry in Crazy for You at the Prince Edward Theatre. Craig directed and choreographed Strictly Ballroom the Musical which is currently touring the UK and Ireland, and the 2016/17 tour of Sister Act the Musical, as well as the Strictly Come Dancing Live tour. He also choreographed the film Paddington 2.
BAFTA Award winning television, radio and stage star Paul O’Grady returns to Annie having first played the role of Miss Hannigan at the Victoria Palace Theatre in 1998. His other theatre credits include playing the Child Catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the London Palladium and many pantomimes including Cinderella and Goldilocks and the Three Bears at the London Palladium. On television he is best known as the host of ITV’s Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs, Paul O’Grady’s Great British Escape, The Paul O’Grady Show, Channel 4’s Blind Date and BBC One’s Blankety Blank. He is also a highly celebrated writer, having written both autobiographical and fictional books and recently completed a 14 year run as a presenter on BBC Radio 2.
Elaine C Smith is perhaps best known for playing Mary Doll in the BBC comedy Rab C Nesbitt, as well as her role as Christine in the BBC sitcom Two Doors Down, for which she won a Scottish BAFTA for Best Actress in 2018. On stage she consistently headlines major pantomimes, having just finished her 13th year at Glasgow King’s Theatre. She played Cora in the original UK Tour and West End run of Calendar Girls as well as playing Susan Boyle in the UK tour of I Dreamed A Dream which she co-write with Alan McHugh.
Jodie Prenger recently joined ITV’s Coronation Street as Glenda Shuttleworth. Her West End credits include A Taste of Honey at the Trafalgar Studios. Oliver! at Theatre Royal Drury Lane, One Man Two Guvnors at Theatre Royal Haymarket and Spamalot at the Playhouse Theatre. On tour she has appeared in Abigail’s Party, Shirley Valentine, Annie, Fat Friends, Tell Me on A Sunday and Calamity Jane. On television she has appeared in the BBC’s Shakespeare & Hathaway, Years and Years, Casualty and Waterloo Road.
Alex Bourne returns to Annie as Oliver Warbucks, having played the role both in the West End, Toronto and the UK Tour. His other theatre credits include Edna Turnblad in the UK Tour of Hairspray, Sam Carmichael in the UK Tour of Mamma Mia!, Khashoggi in We Will Rock You at the Dominion Theatre, Billy Flynn in Chicago at the Adelphi Theatre and Lex Hogan in Eugenius! at The Other Palace. On film he can be seen in Sony Pictures’ Cinderella.
Paul French was most recently seen as TinMan/Hickory in The Wizard of Oz at Curve, Leicester. His other theatre credits include Kenickie in Grease at the Dominion Theatre and in the production’s UK Tour and Double J in Saturday Night Fever at the Peacock Theatre. On film he can be seen in Visualize Films’ Tomorrow Morning.
Amelia Adams has most recently been seen in the UK Tour of Friends! The Musical Parody. Her previous theatre credits include Lois Lane/Bianca in Kiss Me, Kate for Welsh National Opera, Mary Delgado in Jersey Boys at the Piccadilly Theatre and on tour, Martha Burelli in The Rat Pack at the Haymarket Theatre and on tour. She has also appeared in the UK Tour of Hairspray and Spamalot both in the West End and on tour.
Billie-Kay recently appeared as Angel in Anything Goes at the Barbican and its UK and Ireland tour. She has also appeared as Dale Tremont in Top Hat at The Mill at Sonning and in 42nd Street at Theatre Royal Drury Lane. On film she has appeared in Disney’s Dis-Enchanted and Beauty and the Beast, and Sony Pictures’ Cinderella.
Set in 1930s New York during The Great Depression, brave young Annie is forced to live a life of misery and torment at Miss Hannigan’s orphanage. Determined to find her real parents, her luck changes when she is chosen to spend Christmas at the residence of famous billionaire, Oliver Warbucks. Spiteful Miss Hannigan has other ideas and hatches a plan to spoil Annie’s search…
With its award-winning book and score, this stunning production includes the unforgettable songs ‘It’s the Hard Knock Life’, ‘Easy Street’, ‘I Don’t Need Anything But You’ and ‘Tomorrow’.
ANNIE has Music by Charles Strouse, Lyrics by Martin Charnin and a Book by Thomas Meehan. It is directed by Curve’s Artistic Director Nikolai Foster with set and costume design by Colin Richmond, choreography by Nick Winston, lighting by Ben Cracknell and sound design by Richard Brooker.
The producers of Annie cannot guarantee the appearance of any particular artist, which is always subject to illness and holidays.

photo credit: Matt Crockett

Tuesday 10 January 2023

Aimee Lou Wood and John McCrea to Join Cast of Cabaret

Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club in London’s West End are delighted to announce that BAFTA Award winner Aimee Lou Wood will play ‘Sally Bowles’, Olivier Award nominee John McCrea will play ‘The Emcee’ and Nathan Ives-Moiba will play ‘Cliff Bradshaw’ from 13 February 2022 until 27 May

Aimee Lou Wood said today “I’ve wanted to be Sally Bowles since I was around 10 so this is really special. I’m unbelievably excited and having the greatest time in rehearsals. The production is so wonderful and I feel honoured to be stepping into this beautiful team of people!”

John McCrea said today I’m thrilled to be taking on the iconic role of the Emcee in this ground-breaking production of Cabaret.  It’s an absolute honour to be joining this amazing company of artists.

Aimee Lou Wood is best known for her portrayal of Aimee Gibbs in all three series of the Netflix series Sex Education for which she won the BAFTA Award for Best Female Comedy Performance. She recently starred in the critically acclaimed film Living opposite Bill Nighy. Her stage credits include Sonya in Uncle Vanya at the Harold Pinter Theatre in the West End and Downstate at the National Theatre.


John McCrea created the role of Jamie New in the smash hit musical Everybody’s Talking About Jamie at both the Sheffield Crucible Theatre and the West End’s Apollo Theatre. For his performance he was nominated for the Olivier Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical and won the Most Promising Newcomer at the Critics Circle Theatre Awards, the WhatsOnStage Award for Best Actor in a Leading role in a Musical and the UK Theatre Award for Best Musical Performer. He recently appeared as Max in Daddy at the Almeida Theatre and his film credits include Artie in the hit Disney film, Cruella.  


Nathan Ives-Moiba’s many theatre credits include As You Like It at the National Theatre, My Children My Africa at Trafalgar Studios, Our Country’s Good for Out of Joint, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, And Did Those Feet and Tull, all at the Octagon Theatre. For his performance in Tull, Nathan was nominated for the Best Newcomer at the Manchester Theatre Awards.


At certain performances, the role of Sally Bowles will be played by Emily Benjamin.


As a member of the original cast of this production, Emily has been a swing and understudy to the role of Sally Bowles since the show opened. Her other West End theatre credits include Bat Out of Hell The Musical at the London Coliseum and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe at the Bridge Theatre.


The final performance for Callum Scott Howells as ‘The Emcee’ and Madeline Brewer as ‘Sally Bowles’ will be Saturday 28 January 2023. Sid Sagar’s final performance as ‘Cliff Bradshaw’ will be Saturday 11 February 2023.

Between 30 January 2023 – 11 February 2023 the role of ‘The Emcee’ will be played by Matthew Gent and the role of ‘Sally Bowles’ will be played by Emily Benjamin. At certain performances the role of ‘Sally Bowles’ will be played by Sally Frith.


Matthew Gent’s West End theatre credits include Sweeney Todd at the Adelphi Theatre, The Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty’s Theatre and Les Misérables at the Queen’s Theatre. His other theatre credits include Rags at the Park Theatre, The Queen of the Mist at Charing Cross Theatre, The Water Babies at Leicester Curve, The Carnival of the Animals at Riverside Studios and Taboo at Brixton Club House.


The cast also includes Vivien Parry as ‘Fraulein Schneider’, Richard Katz as ‘Herr Schultz’, Danny Mahoney as ‘Ernst Ludwig’ and Michelle Bishop as ‘Fraulein Kost’. The cast is completed by Gabriela Benedetti, Charles Croysdill, Laura Delany, Sally Frith, Matthew Gent, Ying Ue Li, Ela Lisondra, Chris O’Mara, Grant Neal, Hicaro Nicolai, Adam Taylor, Toby Turpin, Patrick Wilden and Sophie Maria Wojna.


The Prologue Company currently includes Rachel Benson, Ami Benton, Laura Braid, Reuben Greeph, James Hastings, Samantha Ho, Emma Holt, Liz Kamille, Andrew Linnie, Aine McLoughlin and Callum Sterling.


This unique production of Cabaret opened in December 2021 to critical and audience acclaim, widely praised as the ultimate theatrical experience. In April 2022 the production won a record-breaking seven Olivier Awards, the most for any musical revival in Olivier history. The production has also won three prestigious Critics Circle Awards and most recently the Evening Standard Theatre Award for Best Design for designer Tom Scutt.


Transforming one of London’s most famous theatres with an in-the-round auditorium and reimagined spaces, before the show guests are invited to enjoy and explore the Kit Kat Club with pre-show entertainment, drinks and dining all on offer. When booking, guests receive a 'club entry time' to allow enough time to take in the world of the Kit Kat Club before the show starts. But of course, the show really starts when you first join us in the club…


One of the most successful musicals of all time Cabaret features the songs Wilkommen, Don’t Tell Mama, Mein Herr, Maybe This Time, Money and the title number. It has music by John Kander, lyrics by Fred Ebb, book by Joe Masteroff. Based on the play by John Van Druten and stories by Christopher Isherwood.


Cabaret is directed by Rebecca Frecknall, set and costume design is by Tom Scutt with choreography by Julia Cheng. Musical supervision is by Jennifer Whyte and musical direction is by Ben Ferguson with lighting design by Isabella Byrd and sound design by Nick Lidster. The casting director is Stuart Burt and the associate director is Jordan Fein.

Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club is produced by Ambassador Theatre Group Productions and Underbelly.