Saturday 29 October 2016

Side Show, Southwark Playhouse | Review

Side Show
Southwark Playhouse
Reviewed on Thursday 27th October 2016 by Olivia Mitchell

Side Show is an original musical which is unique in more than one way. Firstly because it tells the story of conjoined twins Daisy and Violet Hilton and secondly because it flopped not once but twice on Broadway. The original 1997 production ran for a mere 91 performances with the more recent 2014 revival running for only 56, perhaps it was not a Broadway audiences cup of tea or perhaps it did not have the finesse and omph  which this current production does.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Chicago (UK Tour), New Victoria Theatre | Review

Chicago (UK Tour)
New Victoria Theatre
Reviewed on Monday 17th October 2016 by Melanie Mitchell

On Monday the 16th of October I was fortunate to be invited to see Chicago at Woking theatre. The show is based on the play by Maurine Dallas Watkins and the original stage production, directed and choreographed by Bob Fosse.

The show remains true to the original with all the familiar songs and routines, performed with enthusiasm and gusto by all cast members. The dancers both male and female are all amazing, lithe, slick and extremely flexible; performing complexly choreographed routines on a fairly small stage.
The reason for the lack of space is that the Orchestra share the stage with the performers, playing a pivotal role in the production, making it a lot of fun to watch, keep your eye on the conductor.

Roxy Hart is played by Hayley Tamaddon of Emmerdale fame. She makes the role her own with a combination of cuteness and humour accompanied by a lovely singing voice. A very talented and accomplished performance with excellent comedic touches, perhaps lacking somewhat in sex appeal
Jessie Wallace, is perfectly suited to the role of Matron ‘Mama’ Morton, she played the role extremely convincingly. I was completely surprised by her amazing voice, strong, clear and powerful. I completely forgot her as Eastenders Kat Slater.

John Partridge also an ex Eastender takes the role of Billy Flynn, he is suave and sophisticated and suitably cold in the role. Again I was surprised at his singing voice, very good projection although I felt that diction could be improved at times. He holds the longest, in tune note I have ever heard in a stage production, amazing.

A D Richardson gives a convincing performance as Mary Sunshine! You’ll see what I mean if you go to the show. Neil Ditt as Amos is suitably pathetic, downtrodden and loyal gaining sympathy and support from the audience, his rendition of Mr Cellophane is heartfelt. Sophie Carmen – Jones takes the role of Velma Kelly and in my opinion steals the show. Amazing singer and dancer a vivacious performance that oozes sex appeal. Sophie is definitely one to watch.

The staging of the whole show is very cleverly done for a fairly small stage, my only criticism would be that when some of the performers are caught in the ‘green lighting’ it makes them look rather ill. That might have been to do with the angle of my seat though.

Chicago is on at Woking New Victoria Theatre until Saturday 22nd of October, I would urge you to get a ticket for a most enjoyable, fun, feel good show.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Ragtime, Charing Cross Theatre | Review

Charing Cross Theatre
Reviewed on Monday 17th October 2016 by Olivia Mitchell

Set in the racism filled America of the early 20th century, Ragtime follows the stories of a white family, a black family and a Jewish immigrant family as they navigate their way around the country and discover what life has to offer them. Despite facing their own individual struggles, the families stories intertwine to create a stunning and flowing arc. The story is drama at its highest and features moments of extreme joy as well as despairing pain and heartbreak. It's sure to take you on an emotional roller coaster and leave you with a new view on life.

Friday 14 October 2016

Miss Saigon: 25th Anniversary Performance (film) | Review

Movie musicals often get a bad rap and with some previously released ones its not surprising, so I was cautious about how the spectacle that is Miss Saigon would translate to film. Before watching the movie I thought that a production as big as this could only really be experienced live in the flesh... I was wrong. This is a momentous and immersive triumph like no movie musical I've seen before. 

Universals HD recording brings every moment of Miss Saigon to life; we hear the background conversations and see all the facial expressions which could easily be missed live at the Prince Edward Theatre. Every breath, song and moment of choreography is perfectly framed with a mix of close-ups and wide angles making the whole production visually stunning. Every magical feature of Bruno Poet's lighting design and Totie Driver and Matt Kingley's fantastic set design is highlighted and glorified.

The whole thing isn't just watching a musical filmed live from a theatre, its a cinematic experience where one feels truly immersed in the production and can relate and attach to the characters even more. I truly have no faults with this film and for the majority of it being filmed in front of a live audience on one night, its really mind boggling how perfect the team have managed to make it!

Of course a review of Miss Saigon would not be complete without mentioning the insane talents of the cast. Although I saw this cast twice live at the theatre, I was even more in awe of their talents watching this recording. The extreme close ups show every emotion that crosses their faces and you can truly see how much they commit making their characters as realistic and provocative as possible.

Eva Noblezada's voice as Kim is just on another level; it actually depresses me how young and talented she is and I can only dream of being so flawless one day. Every note that comes out of her mouth is golden and its worth going to see the film purely to hear I'd Give My Life For You which sent chills down my spine! Jon Jon Briones gets the comedy and depth of the hilarious but calculating engineer down to a tee and I will never be over his performance of The American Dream. Alistair Brammer is the perfect lead, his voice soaring with ease and complementing Eva's dulcet tones entirely. If I could mention every cast member I would but I'm afraid that would take forever so I'll just say that every performance is remarkable and each individual truly shines in this recording.

Whether you've seen the production before or not, you must go and see this film. If you saw the show at the Prince Edward you'll get to see it in an entirely new light and if you haven't seen it before you'll be introduced to one of the most fantastic works of musical theatre in complete and utter style. Its definitely a must-see for musical theatre fans but I am almost certain that anyone will enjoy it. This is a production which is truly, completely and utterly unforgettable and altogether an impeccable cinematic experience. ★★★★

Miss Saigon will be at cinemas on Sunday 16th October 2016 and will then be released on DVD.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Chicago (UK Tour), Churchill Theatre | Review

Chicago (UK Tour)
Churchill Theatre
Reviewed on Monday 10th October 2016 by Olivia Mitchell

Chicago is one of those classic musicals that everyone knows. It was one of the first ones I ever saw and it certainly holds a special place in my heart so I was thrilled when I heard about its UK tour. The overall production is fantastic and its one of the few shows I've given a five star rating!

The Churchill Theatre, Bromley provided a wonderful setting for this over the top, fabulous show. The music is of course fantastic and having the band on stage and involved in the action was wonderful and engaging. The staging is classic, elegant and sexy just like the show; with a simple tiered setting, a few extra chairs and two ladders coming in and out from the wings of the stage. Along with the faded mood lighting, the overall effect is simple but perfectly fitting for the show.

The whole cast is fantastic. Sophie Carmen-Jones embodies Velma Kelly to a T, giving a sultry, dramatic and slick portrayal and really shining in the production. Hayley Tamaddon gives Miss Roxie Hart a cheeky edge and truly manages to capture Roxie's development to a scheming seductress desperate for fame. I felt she really settled into the character as the show progressed and was extremely confident in her singing, dancing and acting- an all round great performance! John Partridge plays the sleazy Billy Flynn extremely well and you could tell from the audience reaction how engaged they were with his performance. Jessie Wallace also demonstrates her vocal abilities which I certainly didn't know she had and Mama Morton was wonderfully suited to her.

The 1920s setting of Chicago gives it a vintage feel which you can't help but feel attracted to. The swinging jazz numbers have you tapping your feet and make you feel as though you've been pulled into to a secretive speak-easy like environment. Chicago must be one of the sexiest shows around so if you're looking for inspiration to go to the gym just look at this cast! Everything about them is enviable, including the killer leg kicks and ridiculous figures!

I adore this show and if the full house was anything to go by then I think a lot of people do. If you can manage to snap up a ticket for the tour then you are guaranteed a sublime, sexy, sultry and sparkling night out!

Tuesday 11 October 2016

This Little Life of Mine, Park Theatre | Review

This Little Life of Mine
The Park Theatre
Reviewed on Friday 7th October 2016 by Olivia Mitchell

A few weeks ago I published a post full of excitement for the new British musical This Little Life of Mine; well I just saw the show and my excitement was well aimed. This is a new, exciting, relevant and realistic musical which is so perfect for growing up and living in London.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Murder Ballad, Arts Theatre | Review

Murder Ballad
The Arts Theatre
Reviewed on Wednesday 5th October 2016 by Olivia Mitchell

Press nights are always exciting but the atmosphere on this particular one was more electric than normal. If you're at all in the loop with the theatre community you must have heard about Murder Ballad! It seems to have been everywhere and since little snippets were released and previews began I'd only heard good things so I was super excited to finally see the show myself. 

I'm one to encourage going into shows blind and this definitely one production to go into without looking up a synopsis. It's absolutely a show that you'll benefit from seeing with no preconceptions of the plot. All you need to know is that it follows three characters in a love triangle and a narrator who all merge into each others lives. Oh, and someone ends up dead! Intriguing right?!

The story is accompanied by a rock score which works well to give the story a sort of grounded realism. It really helps in the moments of anger and tension to build and crash and bring out every emotion on stage. This is a raw and gripping 90 minute fully-sung-through rock musical with love, darkness and death.

The cast of Murder Ballad are stellar and all give the outstanding performances you'd expect from these veterans of the stage. Kerry Ellis is a regular star of the West End and her portrayal of Sara really shows why. Her voice effortlessly glides into all the notes of this rock score. Her unique growl and rasp add a depth to the character and help to emphasise the emotions Sara feels, especially in the opening argument scene. The audience see the development of Sara's personality throughout and Kerry manages to capture all the little changes perfectly with an ease and innovativeness only seen in true stars. Her chemistry with Ramin Karimloo fills the whole room and they create a dark and believable pairing.

photo by Mark Brenner

I have been a huge fan of Victoria Hamilton-Barritt for a long while now so was super excited to see her take on the deep, dark role of the narrator. Victoria's voice is on another level in this production; her sultry, beautiful tone completely fit the mysterious narrator. Not only is Victoria's voice insane but her facial expressions told a whole story of their own. No spoken or sung words were needed for Victoria to convey exactly what she was feeling, her little knowing glances into the audience conveyed 1000 words; its truly a joy to see how this lady owns the stage at all times!

Now onto the men... Ramin Karimloo is a favourite of the West End and Broadway alike with a number of huge roles under his belt. Most of his famous roles such as the Phantom and Valjean are more operatic, typical musical theatre roles so it was refreshing to see him showcase the rocky, raspy side of his voice as the dark and handsome Tom. As with Sara, we get to see a lot of character development with Tom, he goes from a young-lovesick boy to a possessive man in a short space of time and Ramin carries this transformation out with dexterity and all the nuances of the in-depth character are very clear.

Norman Bowman for me has one of the most underrated voices on the West End. He's starred in a number of shows but I personally don't hear enough about him. His voice blew me away whilst he played the role of the agreeable Michael and left me with chills at points. His character is less in depth that Ellis' and Karimloo's but he still achieves a well performed character arc.

Richard Kent's set design is innovative and adds a dimension to the show, making it exciting to watch and making you feel somewhat part of the action. The revolve cleverly highlights key moments and adds a nice flow to the show. The lighting is also very clever; from the single lightbulb on stage to the green and orange tinted lights later on; David Plater's design backs up the transitions of all the characters and heightens the tensions at the crucial points.

photo by Mark Brenner

Sam Yates' direction has created a truly wonderful piece of contemporary theatre. Although I found the show to drag a little at the beginning, it soon picked up pace and I could physically feel my heart beating at points. The fantastic cast give faultless, lifelike performances which are so refreshing to see in these days of more fantastical productions. I truly enjoyed this show and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. Its a unique, lively and deadly production which ticks all the boxes for an enjoyable night out! The realistic storyline and killer soundtrack are a deadly combination, leaving you on the edge of your seat, anticipating whats to come until the very last moment in this arresting production. 

Check out Rewrite This Story's interviews with Kerry Ellis here and Victoria Hamilton-Barritt here

Murder Ballad is running at the Arts Theatre until December 3rd

Monday 3 October 2016

Pride and Prejudice (UK Tour), Churchill Theatre | Review

Benjamin Dilloway and Tafline Steen as Darcy and Elizabeth. Photo: Simon Turtle, Artwork Feast Creative
Pride and Prejudice
The Churchill Theatre
Reviewed on Thursday 22nd September 2016 by Olivia Mitchell

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." Perhaps one of the most well known openings ever, Pride and Prejudice has a lot of steadfast fans and a lot to live up to on stage. Although this production naturally loses some of the semantics of the original text it is a solid and elegant production.

Simon Reade has skilfully created a production which although condensed, manages to keep the heart and sincerity of Miss Austen's original novel. We follow the Daughters of a country gentleman and a mother all-too-eager to sort their lives out; the five Bennett sisters find themselves in need of securing their position in society in the only way they can, through marriage. We see Jane- played heartwarmingly by Hollie Edwin- as she falls dopily in love with Mr Bingley, played wonderfully by Jordan Mifsud. The other sisters Kitty, Lydia and Mary played by Anna Crichlow, Mari Izzard and Leigh Quinn respectively are all characterised extremely well to really show the dynamic of the Bennet family. Felicity Montagu shines as the over attentive mother, adding moments of hilarity and truly commanding the stage.

Pride and Prejudice. Photo Johan Persson © 2016
Of course the heart of the story and romance are the headstrong Elizabeth and brooding Mr Darcy. Tafline Steen fabulously captures Lizzy's humour and vivaciousness as well as her deeper self-assuredness. Working alongside Benjamin Dilloway as the stiff gentleman Mr Darcy they make an engaging couple. Their emotions fill the auditorium and their fast paced verbal exchanges permeate the stage with electricity.

Siân Williams' uncomplicated choreography works beautifully to frame each scene and enhance moments of intimacy, such as Lizzy and Darcy's first moment alone, to moments of humour when Mr Collin's hilariously tries to interrupt a foursome dance. The simple staging works wonderfully to frame the piece, with Max Jones' innovative wrought-iron design on a revolving stage allowing a wonderful flow through each scene and to each part of the various settings in the story.

This is a wonderful production with a true and good heart. Its an all round satisfying production which had the audience feeling an array of emotions and truly enjoying Jane Austen's work in a new setting. Darcy and Elizabeth's love are a triumph as great as this production!

To book tickets for the tour and to find out more information about the production look here:

Sunday 25 September 2016

27, Cockpit Theatre | Review

A New Musical: 27
Cockpit Theatre
Reviewed on Saturday 24th September 2016 by Olivia Mitchell

Those that know me know that I love to talk, and I am not one for being speechless. The new musical 27 changed that completely. Despite all the hype on social media, I actually had no idea what the show was about so when act one started I was a little apprehensive. By the time the interval rolled around I was in a state of complete shock and at a loss for words. This show is new, fast paced, sexy, beautiful, dramatic and absolutely like nothing I've ever seen before.

I really don't want to give a lot away about the storyline as I think its certainly best to go in blind and be completely shocked, but as the poster says: this story is "the rise of a falling star". We follow Orpheus as he is plucked from obscurity and thrown into the crazy world of sex, drugs and rock and roll. The lines between reality and fantasy are blurred as we are delivered a twisted fable about the price of fame.  The story draws strong inspiration from Greek mythology but is modernised to really captivate the audience.

The score is contemporary, with complex melodies and a wide variety of styles. Every vocal performance was outstanding. We were fortunate enough to see the writer and co-director Sam Cassidy perform his own creation and he was truly mesmerising as the falling Orpheus. The three Fates who narrate the story were exceptional with smooth harmonies and crazy moments of belting and riffing. Ryan Molloy was fabulous as the eccentric music mogul, Hades and really brought an old school rock vibe to the performance. Jack Donnelly and Ryan Gibb as fellow bandmates Max and Jason respectively gave touching performances and it was great to see their character development. Cassie Compton was a standout as the loyal girlfriend, performing a particularly striking ballad at the end of the first act. Lucy Martin was also wonderful as the alluring viper Miss M with not only fabulous singing but wonderful acting too, really embodying the instability of the character.

The choreography is sharp and slicing, with each performer executing every move feverishly and seductively. Every cast member commits fully to the distorted roles they're playing making it a true feast for the eyes. I found myself not knowing where to look as every part of the performance space was filled with something enticing and exciting. Nick Eve's concert-esque lighting is striking, creating a sharp but dark and shadowy world. Moments of complete darkness create an uneasy feeling and really pull you to the edge of your seat. 

I found no faults with this show which is certainly rare for me. Everything is thought out and executed wonderfully with a number of home truths and morals dotted in to leave you thinking long after the final bows are taken. Particularly poignant was the idea that we, as humans, find a weird and sick pleasure in watching others destroy themselves. We see headlines of stars being checked into rehabs and instead of stopping and thinking about their health and their families and friends, we have an urge to delve deeper in and create a sort of romaticised mystery about them. Its these chilling realisations that had me watching with rapt attention throughout, only looking away to glance at fellow audience members reactions.

This is truly a fantastic and innovative production and is certainly the best piece of theatre I have seen in a long time, if not ever! Cassidy has created a fresh, fearless and fantastical production and is rewiring typical theatre. I'm completely on board with this poignant production and am rooting from this moment forth for it to have a West End transfer and the success it deserves!

27 is running at the Cockpit Theatre until October 22nd 2016