Posts with the label book
Showing posts with label book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Magic, Love, and Books 'A Novel Love Story' by Ashley Poston Enchants | BOOK REVIEW

A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston
Published: 25th June 2024 by HQ

Ashley Poston’s A Novel Love Story is a delightful dive into the whimsical world of Eloraton, where books are not just read, but lived. This book is a love letter to every book lover out there, capturing the joy, escape, and sense of home that only a good story can provide.

The story follows our protagonist, Eileen Merriweather, who discovers the mysterious and quaint town of Eloraton—a place that gives off major Once Upon a Time vibes. Here, books are not mere objects but gateways to a world where characters come to life, in fact the whole town and its inhabitants are taken straight from her favourite book series. Eileen’s journey intertwines with the enigmatic and charming Anderson, whose minty eyes and brooding personality grow endearing over time. Together, they uncover secrets that bridge the magical and the real, leading to a plot twist that, while somewhat predictable, still feels satisfying.

Now, I can see how A Novel Love Story could be a marmite book. Some might find the magical realism a bit perplexing, or the plot holes a tad frustrating. But I’m firmly on the loving side of this divide. Poston's magical realism is reminiscent of Carrie Hope Fletcher’s style—grounded yet sprinkled with magic. Even if I didn’t fully understand all the magic, I believe that was sort of the point, adding to the charm and whimsy of the narrative.

The characters’ small acts of service and quiet signs of love were heart-melting. Anders’ minty eyes may have been mentioned a few times too many, and his “sweetheart” endearment seemed to come out of nowhere, but these quirks added to the unique charm. And let’s not forget the sheer celebration of books. The story encapsulates the pure joy and escape that books offer, a sentiment every bookworm will resonate with.

While I guessed the big plot point early on, it didn’t detract from my enjoyment. The journey was filled with so many quotable lines and tender moments, that guessing the twist felt like being in on a delightful secret rather than a spoiler.

I’ve never experienced those intense feelings for a book series where the characters felt like family, except maybe during my The Fault in Our Stars phase (which we won’t talk about). However, A Novel Love Story gave me a glimpse into what that might feel like. It made me think of how fans describe their love for the Addicted/Calloway sisters books and the Boys of Tommen series—real-world versions of Eloraton.

In short, if you’re a lover of books and magic, A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston is a must-read. It’s a heartwarming celebration of the magic found in the pages of a book, filled with endearing characters and enchanting moments. Highly recommended!

Reviewed by Olivia

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Magic, Love, and Books 'A Novel Love Story' by Ashley Poston Enchants | BOOK REVIEW

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Tuesday 28 May 2024

How to Plot a Payback by Melissa Ferguson book review: a hilarious and heartfelt tale of revenge, unexpected love, and personal growth.

How to Plot a Payback by Melissa Ferguson
Published: 2nd April 2024 by Thomas Nelson

Melissa Ferguson's How To Plot a Payback is a delightful rom-com that combines humour, heart, and just the right amount of drama. The story centres around Finn Masters who is ecstatic to secure his dream job as a writer for the hit sitcom Neighbors. His excitement, however, takes a nosedive when he learns that he will be working alongside Lavender Rhodes, the actress he has blamed for his troubles since their teenage years. Intent on getting his revenge, Finn devises several schemes to undermine Lavender. Yet, as his plans comically unravel, Finn starts to question his feelings and realises that Lavender is not who he thought she was. The narrative unfolds through a series of humorous misadventures and touching moments, ultimately leading to an unexpected romance. To sum it up, the book is a hilarious and heartfelt tale of revenge, unexpected love, and personal growth.

A few years ago I was lucky enough to receive an arc of Melissa Ferguson's Meet Me in the Margins, which I fell in love with, so when I saw she was releasing a new book, I knew I had to get my hands on it and I'm glad I did because it was just the dose of romance and joy that I needed. Melissa's writing is not only strawberry sweet, it's also addictive and gripping. I found myself swooning at a lot of Finn's thoughts about Lavender and was really rooting for the duo as a couple but also individually.

One of the book's real strengths is how well the characters are developed. Finn is incredibly relatable; his grudges and insecurities make him both lovable and occasionally exasperating. Lavender starts off as the supposed villain but gradually reveals her own layers, showing her struggles and strengths. The chemistry between them is electric, keeping readers invested as they navigate the chaotic world of Hollywood and their evolving relationship. Their journey is full of ups and downs, making it a compelling read from start to finish and making their unexpected happy ever after even sweeter.

As I say, the dynamic between Finn and Lavender is great, filled with witty banter and comedic misadventures. Finn's attempts at revenge often backfire, leading to laugh-out-loud moments and surprising twists. I did find Finn's revenge plots a bit ridiculous and they sort of took away from the realism of the story at times but there was also a good balance of sincerity which toned things down.

Also, while the story is highly entertaining, some elements might feel a bit predictable, and the pacing can occasionally slow things down. However, these are minor quibbles in an otherwise charming and engaging read that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend.

The side characters and jobs of the two leads add to the charm of the story. Set against the backdrop of Neighbors (I was picturing the Australian show but i don't know if that's truly the vibe haha) we get a look at the inner workings of a writers room, and meet a host of lovable and hateable characters, all of whom add to the story and world.

How To Plot a Payback is a fun, feel-good romantic comedy that will leave you smiling. It's perfect for fans of lighthearted, character-driven stories with a touch of Hollywood glamour. If you're in the mood for a book that balances comedy with genuine emotion, give this one a try. 

Reviewed by Olivia

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How to Plot a Payback by Melissa Ferguson book review: a hilarious and heartfelt tale of revenge, unexpected love, and personal growth.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Tuesday 28 November 2023

He Sang to Me by Casey Tyler book review: A Delightfully Cheesy Ode to Broadway Romance

He Sang to Me by Casey Tyler
Self Published: 3rd October 2023 by Truelove Publishing

Casey Tyler's debut novel, He Sang to Me is a book that unabashedly caters to the delulu girlies, and as a self-proclaimed member of that tribe, I found myself both cringing and grinning through its pages. This 320 page tale, is reminiscent of a sweet and charming fanfic; intertwining the enchanting worlds of Broadway and romance – two of this reader's, favourite things.

The narrative unfolds amidst the hustle and bustle of New York City, and the author's vivid descriptions and location name drops skilfully bring the city to life. As well as this the pages are dotted with stagey references that act like hidden treasures for theatre enthusiasts like myself. The book really evokes the frenetic energy of the theatre district and certainly sparked my desire to hop on a flight back to New York to explore every corner of the city.

He Sang to Me follows Sunday Truelove, an aspiring actress who moves to New York to pursue her dreams. Within moments she wins tickets to the hottest show on Broadway and whilst she's there has a magical encounter with the leading man and famous British actor, Tyler Axel. From here the two enter a fairytale romance and discover whether they're truly meant to be.

Honestly, it's as cheesy as it sounds and I kind of loved it. There are all the classic tropes, from being spotted by paparazzi to caring for the sick partner and in a way it's pretty iconic. On the other hand, it's pretty basic. The characters aren't particularly developed, Sunday has extreme 'not like other girls' energy which is a little grating and the book, at times, tips into self-indulgence and lacks a grounded narrative. Despite the characters being in their late twenties and thirties, their personalities and emotional journeys comes across quite immature and lean towards a younger audience. It's clear that a bit more editing and development could add a layer of realism to their characterisations. Some of the British aspects were also inaccurate and took me out of the world a little but these are definitely things that could be tweaked and edited for future prints. Nevertheless, the book shines in capturing the essence swooping romance and is a sweet stagey story, with some charming moments.

There are elements of the characters that I truly enjoyed such as Sunday's bright eyed optimism and Tyler's love for his family and his craft. I know I would fall for an ex-Fiyero with a killer voice, although in my experience they're never quite as unproblematic as Tyler! 

The rest of the characters, while somewhat idealised, form a found family that's lovely to discover. The friendships and relationships are sprinkled with relatable moments, creating a sense of nostalgia for those who have ever dreamt of having a dreamy friend group.

The musical theatre aspects of the story are really fun but I do think it would be interesting to include more of the backstage aspect of Broadway. With both of the leads being so heavily ingrained in the world, it would be easy to explore but a lot of the plot points surrounding it are quite surface level and because of the idealised world they are living in, the challenging realities of the Broadway business don't get a light shone on them. I definitely think this is a story that could benefit from a sprinkle of grit to elevate it to the next level.

Casey clearly has a love and talent for writing and whilst I found the initial chapters a bit heavy-handed with unnecessary descriptions, the writing blooms and improves throughout and it's quite wonderful that she's has taken the plunge to write and self publish the story, I'll certainly be keeping an eye our for future (hopefully stagey) treats.

In a nutshell, He Sang to Me offers a quick and enjoyable escape for fans of theatre, celebrity/normal dating dynamics, and the allure of found family tropes. While it may not be a polished piece of literature, its endearing charm, lively New York setting, and relatable theatrical moments make it a worthwhile indulgence for those in need of a cosy break from reality.

Reviewed by Olivia

Follow Casey to keep up with her writing journey

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He Sang to Me by Casey Tyler book review: A Delightfully Cheesy Ode to Broadway Romance

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Tuesday 18 July 2023

Talking at Night by Claire Daverley book review: A Captivating Journey into the Depths of Human Emotion

embraces the honesty of life, presenting stories that feel authentic and sincere"

Talking at Night by Claire Daverley
Published: 6th July 2023 by Michael Joseph

Talking at Night by Claire Daverley is a beautifully quiet treasure of a book, taking readers on a heartfelt journey, through the complexities of human relationships. Daverley's storytelling is absolutely exquisite diving into the world's of her characters, leaving readers teary eyed and filled with a whirlwind of emotions.

The characters in Talking at Night are expertly crafted, with each one feeling genuine and relatable, baring their fears, insecurities and dreams for all to see. Daverley skilfully delves into their minds painting a picture of their struggles and victories. The protagonist, Rosie's, path of self discovery is captivating and truly inspiring while the supporting characters add a level of richness and depth that elevates the narrative and fully engages the reader.

The novel embraces the honesty of life, presenting stories that feel authentic and sincere. It beautifully showcases the significance of "normal" lives reminding us that they hold just as much magic and worth as those portrayed in larger than life media tales.

One of the books highlights is the interweaving of dual timelines featuring Will and Rosie, the leads. This technique enriches the plot and offers a reflection, on how our past shapes our present and future.

Daverley's poetic prose is another strong aspect of Talking at Night. Her use of words is incredibly powerful and she manages to captivate readers, by immersing them in the emotional world of the novel, never shying away from tackling difficult subjects. The exploration of themes like love, loss, forgiveness, and redemption are so thoughtfully handled, making the novel resonate on a profound level. The vibrant descriptions enable readers to feel the characters happiness and sadness as if they were personally involved resulting in a reading experience that's reminiscent of watching a film. Fans of Love, Rosie and Me Before You will certainly enjoy this tale.

My only slight reservation is that, in a few instances, the pacing felt slightly off and there was a slight lag. However, this is a minor flaw which doesn't really detract from how strong this book is, and in some ways could be seen as reflection of life and the up and down pacing of the real world off the page.

Talking at Night is an exceptional work of fiction that should be celebrated for its thought-provoking themes, remarkable character development, and lyrical prose. Claire Daverley has crafted a tale that tugs at the heartstrings and lingers in the mind, making it a must-read for anyone who appreciates a deeply moving and immersive literary experience. I wholeheartedly recommend this novel and hope that it will stay with you long after you've turned the last page.

Reviewed by Olivia Mitchell

{AD PR Product- book gifted in exchange for honest review}

Talking at Night by Claire Daverley book review: A Captivating Journey into the Depths of Human Emotion

Tuesday 18 July 2023

Wednesday 17 November 2021

My Name is Not Wigs, Angela Cobbin (Book) | Review

My Name is Not Wigs! | Angela Cobbin
Published: 11th November 2021 by Brown Dog Books
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

If you're a theatre fan (which I'd assume you are if you're reading this) then I would urge you to pick up My Name is Not Wigs! by Angela Cobbin. It's not just a look at theatre but it provides a deep dive into what goes on behind the scenes, and a look at all the hard work which goes into learning and perfecting a craft.

The book is an enticing and enthralling journey through theatre, fashion and history as Angela goes from a hairdresser/manicurist in the 1960s, to a wig maker for massive West End and Broadway shows. What's lovely about this book is that it feels like chatting to an old friend. Angela's writing is witty and natural from page one, with the whole thing reading like a very entertaining and humourous train of thought.

Angela expertly makes us feel part of her backstage adventures without being excessive or including gossip to make things seem extra dramatic. As far as stagey memoirs go, this is up there with the most entertaining and certainly broaches an aspect which is not often written about. Angela's career is super interesting, with so many exciting moments combined with hard graft. The beautiful imagery included in the book adds another element and takes you through the various locations Angela mentions. I particularly loved the photo of Angela's work place Nathans at the start which was so evocative of the time- I felt like I could breathe in the photo and would absolutely love to watch a film set purely in that work room!

My Name is Not Wigs is a fascinatingly beautiful insight into what goes on behind the scenes at theatres as well as a celebration of a theatrical aspect which is so important to shows but often goes unsung. My Name is Not Wigs! is a perfect addition to a theatre fan's bookshelf and you'll never watch a show without paying special attention to the hair on the characters heads after reading it!

My Name is Not Wigs! is available for purchase now

*This book was sent to me for review purposes. All views and opinions are my own*

My Name is Not Wigs, Angela Cobbin (Book) | Review

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Sunday 11 July 2021

Hamilton and Me, Giles Terera | Book Review

Hamilton and Me by Giles Terera
Published: 1st July 2021 by Nick Hern Book

While working to bring the smash hit musical Hamilton to the West End stage, Giles Terera kept a journal which chronicled the journey and now provides a wonderfully moving insight into the process that so few get to be part of. However, instead of just being a diary which looks at the day to day process of putting on a show, this book is an honest and academic look at what it takes physically and mentally.

Throughout the rehearsal period, Terera takes a methodical approach to playing the role of Aaron Burr; he looks at what made Burr do the things he did, as well as comparing his own journey and life experiences to the character. It's quite amazing to see just how much mental work goes into making Burr as well-rounded as he comes across in the musical. 

What is also striking about this book is how humble Terera seems. The way he openly discusses his fears, weaknesses and struggles comes across very genuinely and as an outsider, it's particularly interesting to see how he overcomes his struggles and pushes through the intense process without breaking down. His rawness clearly comes across in his portrayal of Burr and it's no surprise that he received rave reviews and praise when the show opened in London.

Hamilton and Me: An Actor's Journal serves as a snapshot of time and masterfully takes readers on a journey they would rarely get to go on, of even really understand. Terera offers an exhilarating look at a musical stripped down to its simple roots and lets us be both in the room where it happens as well as watching the room be formed. This is a real treat of a book and a must-read for theatre lovers and aspiring performers.

Reviewed by Olivia Mitchell

{AD PR Product- book gifted in exchange for honest review}

Hamilton and Me, Giles Terera | Book Review

Sunday 11 July 2021

Thursday 3 June 2021

Becoming Mila by Estelle Maskame Book Review

Becoming Mila by Estelle Maskame
Published: 3rd June 2021 by Ink Road

Estelle Maskame is a writing fiend, having had her first book published at age seventeen, she has gone onto publish a further five books, all of which received critical acclaim and huge love and support from her fanbase. Becoming Mila is the latest offering and the first instalment in a new trilogy about a teenage girl who is sent back to her off the grid Tennessee place of birth, so she doesn't show her film star father up close to the premiere of his new movie.

This is a great coming of age story as well as a romance and like Estelle's other books, it reads incredibly well and has you hooked from the get go. Estelle is brilliant at getting the angst and tension of new relationships on the page and from the first encounter between love interests Blake and Mila, there is a frisson of energy that starts and never lets up. The romance itself is very cute and I love how developed the characters are not only as a pair, but individually too. A lot of layers are added even to the side characters and there's so much scope for the subsequent books in the series.

I did however, find a slight disconnect at times between the writing and the characters. Mila and Blake sometimes come across much more mature than sixteen year olds whilst, the writing feels aimed at younger teens. This had no negative impact on the story but I do think it would be really interesting and exciting to read a more grown up, New Adult style book from Estelle. I'm sure it's only a matter of time!

As lead characters, Blake and Mila are extremely likeable. Mila is multi-faceted and really sure of her own mind, she faces problems head on and it's really refreshing to see a couple who communicate so well. Blake is a semi-bad-boy who you can't help but fall for. A lover of country music, he's pretty swoon worthy from the moment he nicknames Mila. The friendships are also incredibly sweet (I have a suspicious things may be not quite as they seem as the series continues) with Savannah playing a big role. There are also some lovely familial aspects, especially between Mila, her aunt and her grandpa- very wholesome.

Becoming Mila is a treat of a book though and the carefree, contemporary vibes are perfect for a quick beach read. Sizzling levels of angst, musical interludes and a couple you really root for make it a surefire summer hit... just be ready to need the second book as soon as you finish.

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Becoming Mila by Estelle Maskame Book Review

Thursday 3 June 2021

Thursday 26 July 2018

Theatrical, Maggie Harcourt (Book) | Things I Read Whilst Writing

A bit of a different post for you today, as you know I love theatre and books so when I heard about Maggie Harcourt's newest book release, Theatrical which is all about the stage, I was very excited to get my hands on it!

Maggie did a huge amount of research for this book, not only on shows but also a lot about what goes on behind the scenes as our lead character, Hope, is working as an intern backstage. This book is all things adorable and you can read my full review here, but without further ado lets set the stage for Maggie Harcourt's deep-dive into the DNA of Theatrical...

Maggie Harcourt: One of the best things about writing Theatrical was getting the chance to spend time completely immersed in the theatre world: not just writing about it but thinking about it, reading about it – and, of course, visiting it! 

Here’s my deep-dive list of everything that went on behind the scenes. Not everything is obviously part of the world of the finished book, but it’s still part of the story… 

Things I read: 
  • All About Theatre: the National Theatre
  • Unseen London (especially the ‘backstage’ section): Mark Daly and Peter Dazeley 
  • London Theatres: Michael Coveney, Peter Dazeley and Mark Rylance 
  • Stage Management – The Essential Handbook: Gail Pallin 
  • Stage Management and Theatre Administration: Pauline Menear, Amanda Saunders and Terry Hawkins 
  • Untold Stories: Alan Bennett 
  • Simon Stephens – A Working Diary: Simon Stephens 
  • The Oberon Glossary of Theatrical Terms: Colin Winslow 
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (black cover) souvenir brochure, which is full of detail about putting a big show together. 

I also read a lot of plays: not only for research, but because I was also taking a theatre writing class, and because I just enjoy reading them. Here’s a few of my favourites, which I know I was reading at the same time as writing the book. A couple of them make cameo appearances in Theatrical as Luke’s scripts or as things Hope has seen… 
  • Rope: Patrick Hamilton 
  • The History Boys: Alan Bennett 
  • And Then Come the Nightjars: Bea Roberts 
  • The Ferryman: Jez Butterworth 
  • Misterman: Enda Walsh 
  • The Hairy Ape: Eugene O’Neill 
  • The Dazzle: Richard Greenberg 
  • Sea Wall: Simon Stephens 
  • The Habit of Art: Alan Bennett 
  • Ink: James Graham 
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: JK Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne 

Like Hope, I also read The Stage, which is the weekly theatre trade paper– especially the technical columns, and particularly Jess Gow’s stage management columns. And Usborne’s Slot Together Theatre was an invaluable tool for helping me picture the Earl’s Theatre! 

I hope you enjoyed this amazing peek at all the research Maggie did for Theatrical, I know I'll definitely be picking up some of the books to fulfil my thirst for all things stagey. Theatrical is out now, more information can be found here and my full review can be read here.

This review for Theatrical is a part of the official blog tour, be sure to check out the other blog stops for more reviews, personal stories and guest posts from Maggie.

Post by Editor, Olivia Mitchell

Theatrical, Maggie Harcourt (Book) | Things I Read Whilst Writing

Thursday 26 July 2018

Theatrical, Maggie Harcourt (Book) | Review

Theatrical by Maggie Harcourt
Published: 28th June 2018 by Usborne Publishing ltd

Unless you've stumbled across this blog by an unexpected twister of fate (10 points if you get that reference) then I'm assuming you love or at least, like, theatre, so you'll more than likely be a fan of the book I'm talking about today: Theatrical.

The latest release from Maggie Harcourt, is Theatrical which takes us behind the scenes of the theatre and transports us to a world of romance and performance.

Our lead character Hope, dreams of working as a stage manager; her mother is a renowned costume designer who could easily get her daughter any job she wants but Hope wants to do it herself. When she lands an internship at the Earl's Theatre working on one of the biggest openings of the year, her secrets begin and she starts a journey she'll never forget. Now the story itself is fairly predictable and typical of contemporary novels but I'm a sucker for a cheesy romance so it's right up my street. What makes this book stand out is the theatre itself. Maggie highlights the world of theatre and makes it the heart of the story, showing the ups, downs and pressures of working on a production, especially one with a huge name attached and a lot of money invested into it! Of course the characters and their stories are crucial but throughout it feels as if the theatre is it's own character.

What I love about theatre is how it brings people together, not only the cast and crew, but audience members who know nothing about one another but are more than happy to launch into full conversations in the interval. There's also the pure magic of theatre when the perfect combination of great acting, stellar lighting, beautiful makeup, costumes and sets and every other aspect of a production come together to truly transport you to another world. As someone who goes to the theatre roughly 1-4 times a week I do find myself falling into a routine of going into London, picking my ticket up, watching the show and rushing home to write my review and I end up forgetting how special theatre is. Maggie has perfectly captured the magic of theatre and I found myself welling up towards the end when her writing reminded me of it and brought to the forefront why I put so much time into seeing as much theatre as I can. 

Now back to Theatrical! It's just so cute. The romance between Hope and Luke had me swooning and I really felt as though I was standing alongside Hope and she worked and worked to help get the show open. Hope's determination is inspiration for anyone hoping to get into theatre and she shows us just how much hard work goes on behind the scenes. So much of what makes a great production is the work that's gone on in the rehearsal room which of course an audience never see, so this book is not only a celebration of theatre but of the unsung hero's of the stage.

Theatrical is a brilliant read for any stagey, romance lover. You'll find yourself willing everything to run smoothly with the show and will definitely finish the book with a newfound appreciation for the crew who work tirelessly behind the scenes. If you want a swoon-filled summer read then pick up Theatrical and if you're not already a theatre fan then this might just be the book to make you truly stagey!

Theatrical is available now, more information can be found here.

Maggie gave us an exclusive and very interesting deep dive into her research for this book which can be found here.

Review by Editor, Olivia Mitchell

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Theatrical, Maggie Harcourt (Book) | Review