A Stagey Guide to Singing... Rachel Tucker | Interview

Monday 3 August 2020

Hello stagey people! Light seems to be shining at the end of the tunnel but there's still a distinct lack of theatre in our lives; so I thought today I would bring you a mini Q&A from the Rewrite This Story vaults. A while back I chatted to Rachel Tucker and asked her a few vocal technique related questions...

What are your go to warm ups?

I have a great warm up that a friend from New York introduced to me. A slow long warm up that slowly builds and is quite a classical warm up and it gets my break from my chest voice to head voice really smoothed out and warm.

You are the Queen of belting, do you have any tips? Do you change vowel shapes or anything like that?
It shouldn't really be the vowels you change it's the back of the throat. You can still sing the same vowel bright and belted with just some adjustment of the throat. It depends but I wouldn't really because it's nothing to do with the vowel shape, you should be able to belt any vowel or consonant. It's about the shape at the back of your throat. Space, space, space!

What are your tips for keeping your body and voice healthy?
Oh definitely to consume more water than you think is physically possible. Don't underestimate how much talking tires your voice, if you have a big sing just go on vocal rest, text friends and write things down. 

And steaming after a big sing for sure- about 45 minutes with a facial steamer with a mouth piece and it'll bring down any swelling in your throat down, it should be for 30 minutes... at least!

Thanks so much to Rachel for answering these questions way back when! Stay safe and stay stagey!

Editor of Rewrite This Story